Virtual Field Day and ART

It is time for our Virtual Field Day!

Create a FLIP BOOK!

Follow the link below to find the activity cards and join the fun!
Don't forget to take pictures or videos and share them with Ms. Mickel!

Our projects are going to be about combining art and movement.
It doesn't have to be hard!

LET'S GO! Don't forget to stretch! Stick people are great for warming up:

Let's get a little more involved and add some trapezoids and circles!

We will use these simple characters to create a flip book that shows our movement for today!
You can use sticky notes or simply cut up a piece of paper, cereal box or even scrap paper that is different colors.
Here are a variety of materials you might use. It is easier to cut the paper apart rather than fold it!

Lay out the sticky notes and draw on them before putting them back together
You can also work with pieces of paper folded and stacked. A binder clip holds them together
